News 2016

Euro Growth Indicator June 2016

Steady but still moderate economic expansion in the euro area

In the summer half of 2016, the economic expansion in the euro area is expected to continue at a solid though moderate pace, according to the June estimate of the Euro Growth Indicator calculated by the EUROFRAME. The indicator forecasts 0.4 per cent growth in both the second and third quarter of this year, following the 0.5 per cent growth rate published by EUROSTAT for first quarter 2016.

More information on this topic on our Euro Growth Indicator section.

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Euroframe Conference 2016 Preliminary Programme released

The prelminary programme of the 13th Euroframe June conference to be held in Utrecht on June 10th 2016 has been released. The conference will be dealing with effects and policy implications of balance sheet misalignments for the EU economies. Programme and downloadables, including registration form, can be found here.


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Euro Growth Indicator May 2016

Euro Growth Indicator does not confirm a strengthening in Euro Area Growth

The Euro Growth Indicator calculated by the EUROFRAME group in May 2016 suggests a continuation of moderate GDP growth in the first half of 2016. In quarter-on-quarter terms, the euro area GDP would grow by 0.3 per cent in the first two quarters of 2016 as it did in the third and fourth quarters in 2015. The Indicator misses the pick-up in euro area growth to 0.6 per cent (QoQ) in the first quarter indicated by the Eurostat flash estimate, which may suggest a new moderation of GDP growth after the first quarter.

More information on this topic on our Euro Growth Indicator section.

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Euro Growth Indicator April 2016

Moderate pace of growth in the euro area

Growth in the euro area is expected to continue its steady but moderate upward trend in the first half of 2016, according to the April estimate of the EUROGROWTH Indicator. The indicator forecasts 0.3 per cent growth in both the first and second quarter of this year (unchanged from the March estimate), equal to the quarterly rates published by EUROSTAT for the third and fourth quarter 2015. Reflecting the continued moderate growth momentum growth on a y-o-y basis should slow from 1.6 per cent at the end of last year to 1.2 per cent in 2016Q2.

More information on this topic on our Euro Growth Indicator section.

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