November Conference Series

November Conference Series

In 2001 the EUROFRAME group of Research Institutes launched its annual November Conference Series on Growth Prospects for the Euro Area. The aim of the Conference was to discuss the current state and short-term prospects of the euro area economy and to contribute to the debate on topical issues for European macroeconomic policies.

It was a one-day event where a EUROFRAME forecast for the euro area is presented at a Press Conference in the morning, followed in the afternoon by a roundtable discussion with invited experts on a topic of high public interest. EUROFRAME members, academics, policymakers and journalists where invited to attend. As a rule, the Conference takes place in November at the premises of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin).

Fourth EUROFRAME Conference 2004

(by invitation only)

Growth Prospects for the Euro Area

29th of November 2004

Résidence Palace-International Press Centre,

Rue de la Loi 155, BE-1040 Brussels, Belgium


10.30h-12.00h Press Conference on
EUROFRAME Forecast for the Euro-Economy
Report: EUROFRAME Outlook for the Euro Area
-> Press Release <-
Location: Room Maelbeek

Joint Forecast, presented by Ray Barrell, Senior Research Fellow, NIESR.

14.30h-17.00h Round Table "Productivity in a EU context"
Chair: Gustav-Adolf Horn, DIW Berlin, Germany
Location: Room Maelbeek


For further information contact:

Nico van Leeuwen

CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Analysis

Sector International economics

Van Stolkweg 14

P.O. Box 80510

2508 GM The Hague

The Netherlands

Email: N.I.M.van.Leeuwen(at)



Programme as

[pdf] document [2004-11-03]

Third EUROFRAME Conference 2003

(by invitation only)

Growth Prospects for the Euro Area

28th of November 2003

Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin

Königin-Luise Str. 5, 14195 Berlin


10.00h-11.30h Press Conference on EUROFRAME Forecast for the Euro-Economy
-> Press Release <-

Location: Bundespresseamt,
Reichstagsufer 14,
10117 Berlin
Room 4

Joint forecast will be presented by Ray Barrell, Senior Research Fellow, NIESR.
Questions on specific countries will be covered by the respective institute.
14.00h-16.30h Round Table "Growth Prospects for the Euro Area"

Location: DIW Berlin
Königin-Luise Str. 5
14195 Berlin
Room E-08
  • What Are the Reasons for a Slow Growth in Europe: Low Demand, Strong Euro, Structural Rigidities?
  • Does the Stability and Growth Pact Hamper Growth or Is It a Precondition for a Sustainable Growth?
  • Do We Need Large EU-Wide Investment Projects? What Should They Be, in Order to Enhance Growth?
  • Why Do We Need Structural Reforms in Europe? How is the Situation with the Reforms Today?
  • What Else is Necessary for Growth in Europe?
Short statements by:
Juergen Kroeger, European Commission, DG EcoFin, Belgium
Michael Artis, European University Institute, Italy
Henri Sterdyniak, OFCE, France (Download the presentation as PowerPoint (tm) presentation [570 kB], or as pdf document.[b/w only, 153 kB])

For further information please contact:

Susanne Mundschenk
Center for
European Integration Studies


Ingrid Jaehnisch
Deutsches Insitut für
Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin


Second EUROFRAME Conference 2002

(by invitation only)

Growth Prospects for the Euro Area

29th of November 2002

Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin

Königin-Luise Str. 5, 14195 Berlin


13.30h-13.40h Welcome Address by Gustav Horn, president of EUROFRAME
Joint forecast will be presented by Ray Barrell, Senior Research Fellow, NIESR.
Questions on specific countries will be covered by the respective institute.
15.00h-15.30h Coffee Break
15.30h-17.00h Round Table "Reforming the Stability and Growth Pact" 
· Reform of the stability pact - what is political feasible and economically sensible? 
· Evaluation of alternative scenarios: expenditure targets, structural deficit targets, growth related targets 
· Do we need fiscal coordination at all? 
· What are the economic consequences from aging societies for fiscal policy? 
· What is the impact of budget developments in EU countries on growth?

Short statements by:
Catherine Mathieu, Chargée d'études au Département Analyse et Prévision, OFCE - Presentation [pdf, 2.2MB]
Rudolf Zwiener, Wissenschaftlicher Referent, DIW
Paolo Onofri, Director of Prometeia
Joachim Scheide, Head of the Department "Business Cycles", IfW - Statement [pdf, 11 kB]

For further information please contact:

Susanne Mundschenk
Center for
European Integration Studies


Ingrid Jaehnisch
Deutsches Insitut für
Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin