08.15 - 09.15




09.30 - 11.00

Session 1
Inequality and Financialization (Schmoller Room)

Chair: Camille Logeay, HTW Berlin

Debt shift, financial development and income inequality in Europe, Dirk Bezemer and Anna Samarina, University of Groningen

Austerity, inequality, and private debt overhang, Mathias Klein, DIW Berlin and Roland Winkler, TU Dortmund University

Sustainability-oriented future EU funding: A European net wealth tax, Alexander Krenek, and Margit Schratzenstaller, Austrian Institute of Economic Research


Discussant: Henri Sterdyniak, OFCE


09.30 - 11.00

Session 2
Inequality and Financialization (Schumpeter Room)

Chair: Marek Dabrowski, CASE


Who are the top 1 percent earners in Europe?, Oliver Denk, OECD

Inequality in EU crisis countries: Identifying the Impacts of automatic stabilisers and discretionary policy, Tim Callan, Karina Doorley, and Michael Savage, ESRI, Dublin

New approaches to the study of long term non-employment duration via survival analysis: Italy, Germany and Spain, B. Contini, Università di Torino & Collegio Carlo Alberto, J. I. Garcia Perez, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, T. Pusch, Hans-Boeckler Stiftung, Düsseldorf, Roberto Quaranta, Collegio Carlo Alberto



Discussant: Gerdien Meijerink, CPB


09:30 - 11:00

Session 3
Growth and inequality: modeling (Pigou Room)

Chair: Elena Giarda, PROMETEIA


Inequality and Imbalances: an open-economy agent-based model, Alberto Cardaci, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milan, and Complexity Lab in Economics, Francesco Saraceno, OFCE-SciencesPo, LUISS-SEP

Learning by doing, inequality, and sustained growth: A middle-class perspective,Alain Desdoigts, IEDES université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and Fernando Jaramillo, Universidad del Rosario, Bogota



Discussant: Marius Clemens, DIW Berlin


11.20- 12.50

Session 4
Monetary policy and inequality

Chair: Klaus-Jürgen Gern, IfW (Schmoller Room)


Inequality and Central Banks, Gregory Thwaites et al., Bank of England

The effect of monetary policy shocks on inequality, Davide Furceri, Prakash Loungani and Aleksandra Zdzienicka, IMF



Discussant: Malte Rieth, DIW Berlin


11.20 - 12.50

Session 5
Inequality and social policy (Schumpeter Room)

Chair: Catherine Mathieu, OFCE


Treatment effects of Riester participation along the wealth distribution: An instrumental quantile regression analysis, Dorothee Ihle, University of Muenster

Unemployment Insurance Union, Guillaume Claveres, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, Marius Clemens, DIW Berlin

Reforming the Liberal Welfare State -International Shocks, Unemployment and Income Shares, Hassan Molana, University of Dundee, Catia Montagna, University of Aberdeen, George E. Onwordi, University of Aberdeen



Discussant: Paolo Onofri, PROMETEIA


11.20 - 12.50

Session 6
Taxation and Labour markets (Pigou Room)

Chair: Gerdien Meijerink, CPB


Distributional and employment effects of labor tax changes: Finnish evidence over the period 1996-2008, Markku Lehmus, ETLA

Shifting priorities in EU tax policies: A stock-taking exercise over three decades, Sarah Godar and Achim Truger, Berlin School of Economics and Law Income

Inequalities and employment patterns in Europe before and after the Great Recession, Carlos Vacas-Soriano and Enrique Fernández-Macías, Eurofound



Discussant: Margit Schratzenstaller, WIFO


14.00 - 16.00

Session 7
Macroeconomic consequences of inequality (Schumpeter Room)

Chair: Christoph Badelt, WIFO


Inclusive growth framework, Alexei Kireyev and Jingyang Cheng, IMF

Savings glut without saving: retirement saving and the interest rate decline in the United States between 1984 and 2013, Bjoern O. Meyer, University of Rome - Tor Vergata

How does income inequality influence economic growth in Germany? Marius Clemens, Ferdinand Fichtner, Stefan Gebauer, Simon Junker, and Konstantin A. Kholodilin, DIW Berlin

Is it a trade-off between global and national income inequality? Marek Dabrowski, CASE, Bruegel



Discussant: Clemens Kool, CPB and Utrecht University


14.00 - 16.00

Session 8
Inequality, poverty, and mobility (Schmoller Room)

Chair: Mathias Klein, DIW Berlin


The impact of fiscal policy and internal migration on regional growth and convergence in Germany, Katharina Weddige-Haaf, Utrecht University, Clemens Kool, CPB and Utrecht University

From rags to riches, from riches to rags: Inter-generational mobility in Europe before and after the Great Recession, Elizabeth Jane Casabianca and Elena Giarda, Prometeia

Absolute poverty, food and housing, Luigi Campiglio, Università Cattolica del S. Cuore di Milano

Evolutions in consumption inequality and poverty in Greece: the impact of the crisis and austerity policies, Georgia Kaplanoglou, Vassilis T. Rapanos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Academy of Athens



Discussants: Guido Neidhöfer (FU Berlin), Charlotte Bartels (DIW), Patrick Burauel (FU Berlin)


14.00 - 16.00

Session 9
Labour market issues (Pigou Room)

Chair: Stefania Tomasini, PROMETEIA


Labour market effects of wage inequality and skill-biased technical change in Germany, Christian Hutter, IAB, Enzo Weber, IAB, Universität Regensburg

Opportunities and limits of rebalancing the euro area via wages policies: Theoretical considerations and empirical illustrations for the case of Germany, Eckhard Hein and Achim Truger, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Institute for International Political Economy Berlin (IPE)

Could a wage formula prevent excessive current account imbalances in euro area countries? A study on wage costs and profit developments in peripheral countries, Camille Logeay and Heike Joebges, HTW Berlin



Discussant: Markku Lehmus, ETLA


16.30 - 18.00

Round Table (Schumpeter Room)

Chair: Marcel Fratzscher, DIW Berlin


Heike Joebges, HTW Berlin

Michael Savage, ESRI

Ludger Schuknecht, German Ministry of Finance