News 2020

Euro Growth Indicator

Euro Growth Indicator suspended for the time being

In the extraordinary times of COVID-19 spreading over the world and having major health and economic impacts which cannot be tracked with usual short-term indicators, the EUROFRAME group of research institutes has decided to suspend the release of Euro Growth Indicator estimates until further notice.



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EUROFRAME Conference 2020 postponed until further notice

The 17th EUROFRAME Conference on Economic Policy Issues in the European Union will be held at later date, which will be decided when the situation allows for it.

Due to the situation with respect to COVID-19 it will not be possible to hold the conference "Climate change: economic implications, tools and challenges for policy-makers in Europe" in London at the scheduled date 5 June 2020. A new date for the conference later in the year is being considered and will be announced as soon as possible. At that stage the call for papers will be re-opened, but already submitted papers will be kept for consideration.

The call for papers can be downloaded here (PDF).

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Euro Growth Indicator March 2020

Euro Growth Indicator shows accelerating growth for the euro area but risks are downside

The March Euro Growth Indicator suggests strong quarterly growth of euro area GDP at around 0.6 per cent in both the first and the second quarter of 2020. However, the Indicator, is based on February sentiment indicators that do not capture yet the negative economic effects induced by the spread of the coronavirus that are currently unfolding.


More information on this topic on our Euro Growth Indicator section.

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EUROFRAME Conference 2020: CfP Deadline Extended

The 17th EUROFRAME Conference on Economic Policy Issues in the European Union will be held on 5 June 2020 in London (United Kingdom).

The conference will deal with "Climate change: economic implications, tools and challenges for policy-makers in Europe".Submissions deadline has been extended to 9 March 2020.

The call for papers has been released and can be downloaded here (PDF).

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