Euro Growth Indicator


Euro Growth Indicator

Euro Growth Indicator suspended for the time being

In the extraordinary times of COVID-19 spreading over the world and having major health and economic impacts which cannot be tracked with usual short-term indicators, the EUROFRAME group of research institutes has decided to suspend the release of Euro Growth Indicator estimates until further notice.



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Euro Growth Indicator March 2020

Euro Growth Indicator shows accelerating growth for the euro area but risks are downside

The March Euro Growth Indicator suggests strong quarterly growth of euro area GDP at around 0.6 per cent in both the first and the second quarter of 2020. However, the Indicator, is based on February sentiment indicators that do not capture yet the negative economic effects induced by the spread of the coronavirus that are currently unfolding.


More information on this topic on our Euro Growth Indicator section.

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Euro Growth Indicator February 2020

Euro area growth expected to rise to 0.5 per cent in the first quarter of 2020, but…

According to the Euro Growth Indicator, euro area GDP will grow by 0.5 per cent in the first quarter of 2020 following sluggish growth of only 0.1 per cent at the end of 2019 amid a tentative improvement in the industrial sector confidence. The surveys included in the calculation of the Indicator, however, do not reflect new uncertainties related to the outbreak of a novel coronavirus in China, suggesting that this estimate might prove optimistic.


More information on this topic on our Euro Growth Indicator section.

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Euro Growth Indicator January 2020

Slightly improved outlook for growth in the euro area

Euro area growth is likely to strengthen somewhat in the beginning of 2020 after another quarter of sluggish growth in the final months of last year, according to the January Euro Growth Indicator. GDP is forecast to increase by close to 0.4 per cent in the first quarter of this year, following a third consecutive quarter of only 0.2 per cent growth at the end of 2019.


More information on this topic on our Euro Growth Indicator section.

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