09.00 - 10.40
Plenary Session
Chair: Xavier Ragot, Paris School of economics
Recent reforms of tax systems in the EU: good and bad news,
Gaëlle Garnier, Aleksandra Gburzynska, Endre György, Milena Mathé, Doris Prammer, Savino Ruà, Agnieszka Skonieczna, EU Commission
Study on the impacts of fiscal devaluation,
Leon Bettendorf, CPB
The struggle over the Financial Transaction Tax - a politico-economic farce,
Stephan Schulmeister, WIFO
Discussant: John FitzGerald, ESRI
11.00 - 13.00
Session 1
Structural taxation issues (Amphi Erignac)
Chair: Xavier Timbeau, OFCE
Carbon tax, pensions and public deficits: The hidden cost of the compartmentalization of expertise
Emmanuel Combet and Jean Charles Hourcade CNRS, CIRED
Sustainable tax policy – concepts and measures
Margit Schratzenstaller, WIFO
Optimal taxation under regional inequality
Sebastian G. Kessing, University of Siegen and CESifo, Vilen Lipatov, Goethe University Frankfurt and CESifo, Malte Zoubek, University of Siegen
Discussant: Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Paris School of Economics
11:00 - 13:00
Session 2
Taxation issues: Country experiences (Room J208)
Chair: Stefania Tomasini, Prometeia
The Scope for Progressive Tax Reform in the OECD Countries: A macroeconomic perspective with a case study for Germany [download ppt here]
Achim Truger, Berlin School of Economics and Law
Tax Progression and the German Dual Income Tax
Katharina Jenderny, Freie Universität Berlin
The great tax reform: a French myth
Henri Sterdyniak, OFCE
Irish tax policy issues [download ppt here]
John FitzGerald, ESRI
Discussant: Leon Bettendorf, CPB
11.00- 13.00
Session 3
Labour income taxation (Room J211)
Chair: Markku Kotilainen, ETLA
Shifting taxes from labour to property. A simulation under market equilibrium
Flavia Coda Moscarola, University of Turin, Ugo Colombino, University of Turin, Francesco Figari, University of Insubria and ISER University of Essex, Marilena Locatelli, University of Turin
The interaction between labor tax wedge and structural reforms in Italy
Michele Catalano and Emilia Pezzolla, Prometeia
Beyond the labour income tax wedge: The unemployment-reducing effect of tax progressivity
Etienne Lehmann, CREST, Claudio Lucifora, Catholic University of Sacre Cuore, Milan, Simone Moriconi, Catholic University of Sacre Cuore, Milan, Bruno Van der Linden, IRES/Catholic University of Louvain
Discussant: Luke Haywood, DIW
14.00 - 16.00
Session 4
EU Financial transaction tax (Room J208)
Chair: Catherine Mathieu, OFCE
Securities transaction tax in Europe: First impact assessments,
Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Dodging Robin Hood: Responses to France and Italy’s financial transaction taxes,
Maria Coelho, University of California, Berkeley
A step too far? The European financial transaction tax on the repo market,
Daniela Gabor, University of the West of England
Discussant: Dominique Plihon, CEPN Universite Paris Nord
14.00 - 16.00
Session 5
General taxation issues (Amphi Erignac)
Chair: Klaus‐Jürgen Gern, IfW
What future for VAT in the EU? Key challenges and strategies for reform
Stephen Smith, University College London
An unemployment insurance scheme for the euro area: Evidence at the micro level,
Mathias Dolls, ZEW Mannheim and IZA, Clemens Fuest, ZEW Mannheim, University of Mannheim, CESifo and IZA, Dirk Neumann, CORE, Université catholique de Louvain and IZA, Andreas Peichl, ZEW Mannheim, University of Mannheim, IZA, ISER and CESifo
Why and how the EU budget should be reformed?
Marco de Andreis, Ministry of Economy and Finance (Italy), and Mauro Marè, Tuscia University
The short run costs of a reduction in tax distortions in a monetary union,
Séverine Menguy, University Paris Descartes
Discussant: Benjamin Carton, CEPREMAP
14.00 - 16.00
Session 6
Corporate taxation (Room J211)
Chair: Pierre Villa, INSEE
The foreign investment effects of tax treaties
Arjan Lejour, CPB
Do small and medium-sized enterprises respond to the corporate tax system?
Hendrik Vrijburg, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Tax policy, investment decisions and economic growth
Manuel Bonucchi, Monica Ferrari, Stefania Tomasini, Prometeia, Tsvetomira Tsenova, Bulgarian National Bank
Tax competition within and between world regions
Frank Streif, ZEW Mannheim
Discussant: Sarah Guillou, OFCE (pdf. here)
16.20 - 18.20
Roundtable (Amphi Erignac)
Chair: Henri Sterdyniak, OFCE
Keynote Introduction: Consolidation on the revenue side and growth-friendly tax structures: an indicator based approach,
Florian Wöhlbier, European Commission (DG ECFIN), Caterina Astarita, European Commission (DG ECFIN) and University of Naples "Federico II", Gilles Mourre, European Commission (DG ECFIN) and Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Paolo Onofri, Prometeia, Stephan Schulmeister, WIFO